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happiness she would gain by being able to live alone  restoration of a sort of “old-fashioned education” in the
                  with her family and live fully her role as wife and   renaissance “botteghe” or workshops style. Thus, the
                  mother.                                               ample rooms of the former royal stables of Porta
                      His was, therefore, not a “well-off” family but, as  Romana hosted industrious workshops in which each
                  he put it, a family of  “workers”, from whom he       student was exhorted to discover, through the study
                  certainly learned his sense of obligation and dedication  and exercise of the ancient trades, his own expressive
                  to his trade: a road that does not concede hesitation or  personality which he would then be able to mature and
                  fear of taking risks. And today it is impossible not to  cultivate after his scholastic experience. This necessity,
                  see in this cordial but severe man the profound traces  far from the aristocratic conception of academic study,
                  which his family left on him.                         defending a modern interpretation of the classical,
                      Marcello Fantoni’s propensity for art began       launched the students into a relationship with the
                  spontaneously and at an extremely young age. Being    outside world (frequently, certain choices and
                  born and having always lived in Florence, he enjoyed a  innovations were incorporated into the didactics after
                  privileged position that allowed him to breath, in his  having given special consideration to the needs of the
                  native air, the plastic germ of the great masters of the  art market) and desired to be a valid apprenticeship,
                  sculptural arts. He himself recognizes that his decision  useful for their future activity. For this reason, the more
                  to study art was influenced by the beauty that        worthy students were not left to their own means after
                  surrounded him, and his memory and his art  always    graduation, but were helped, sustained and integrated
                  comes home to the place of his education. When he     into society guarantying the candidacy of the most able
                  finished elementary school, Fantoni took private      and deserving for important public commissions.
                  drawing lessons from a young student, and in 1927, his    Believing in their son’s strong, yet, given his age,
                  father enrolled him in the “Ceramic Arts”course which  still immature inclinations, Fantoni’s parents faced great
                  Carlo Guerrini - at that time the art director for the  sacrifices in order to afford him an adequate higher
                  famous Florentine manufacturer Cantagalli -  taught at  education that would help him find his way once he
                  the historic  Porta Romana Art Institute.             became an adult. They, therefore, chose to enroll him
                      The Porta Romana  Art Institute, founded by       in the Porta Romana school instead of sending him
                  Mario Salvini and Ugo Ojetti, was of fundamental      directly to work in the ceramic factories, knowing that
                  importance for young Fantoni’s development. The       if he did indeed posses that talent that blossoms slowly
                  school day at the Institute was comprised of eight hours  but has solid roots, they needed to do all they could so
                  of lessons, which were in part dedicated to the       that he could have an added possibility to succeed.
                  technical study of art history, in-depth studies of       So, Fantoni walked from home early in the
                  general cultural themes and in part dedicated to the  morning, saving the half lira tram fare, to the school
                  study of each of the eight departments of the school:  that would, as he himself affirms, have so much
                  Decorative Architecture,   Decorative  Sculpture,     importance to his future as an artist. His memories are
                  Ornamental     Decorative   Painting,   Industrial    precious testimony which allow us to spy, through the
                  Decoration, Ceramic and Glass Arts, Mosaics, Glass and  fresh mind of a young boy, on the workings of great
                  Hard stones, the  Art of  Wood, and Graphic  Arts.    personalities from a unique vantage point, penetrating
                  Obviously, most of the hours were spent in the course  that intimate world of the student teacher relationship.
                  of study chosen by the individual students. But,the aim  It was, as is quite clear, Carlo Guerrini and Gianni
                  of this method was to give each student as wide as    Vagnetti who had the role of primary educators for
                  possible as artistic education, allowing for in-depth  young Fantoni, but, he also remembers Libero
                  study in a multitude of areas of artistic research, which  Andreotti, even though he was able to follow him for
                  was to be coordinated with the intense work done in   only a short time once a week in his sculpture class.
                  the chosen field of specialization.                   Nevertheless, he remembers him very well. He recalls
                      Thus, Marcello Fantoni had the opportunity to     the crowded lessons during which Andreotti - a chain
                  receive an excellent education, completed by practical  smoker - lit each new cigarette with the but of the
                  studio work, and guided by an excellent staff of      former that he still held in his mouth. He remembers
                  teachers, among whom were some of the most famous     him as he paraded along the corridors of the school
                  Italian artists of the early 1900’s. It was, in this way,  with his entourage of disciples in tow. He remembers
                  while talking his first steps as an artist, that he met  the respect that every student paid to this great master.
                  Libero Andreotti, Guido Balsamo Stella, Enrico Lusini,  But, most of all, he recognizes how much his presence
                  Carlo Guerrini, and later Bruno Innocenti and Gianni  and the exposure to his working method was
                  Vagnetti. The teachers at Porta Romana, being         fundamental to his realizing the need to imbue his
                  convinced that “practical” studio work would help the  creations with modern-ness and to refuse, from the
                  young students in appreciating the importance of the  very beginning, the established formulas and
                  meaning - and discipline - of the trade, began the    conventions. This was a fundamental lesson for Fantoni

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