P. 24

several rifles fell out. Not far off was a German patrol  decision to hide a small metal saw in his boots that
                  who would have certainly saw to shooting him on the   would have, he thought, helped him, in the case that he
                  spot if a few passers-by, who immediately saw what was  found himself on a train bound for Germany. He
                  happening, hadn’t come to his aid and helped him      counted on the fact that, in a voyage of thirty or forty
                  hurriedly hide the rifles in the broken sacs and he made  hours, that saw could offer him, and other  prisoners
                  it back without further incident to the warehouse at  who might be with him, a possible escape route.
                  Villa Ferroni. The warehouse continued to be used as  Fortunately, he never had to test that improbable
                  a hiding place up to the moment that the order came   theory, but he always carried that saw with him for two
                  to destroy the bridges in Florence. Consequently, all the  entire years.The risk of being sequestered and deported
                  palazzos and houses within one hundred meters of the  to work in Germany, in a concentration camp, was
                  bridges needed to be evacuated. The ceramics and the  quite real in particular for a young man, like himself,
                  weapons were then moved to Via Lanzi where new        who was an active participant in the partisan fight and
                  hiding places were found.                             often found himself in very dangerous situations and
                      Another activity that Fantoni helped his father   places.
                  with,after September 8,1943,was helping soldiers who      Aside from his tasks of finding and supplying
                  had escaped from prison, offering them save haven and  ammunitions to the fighter and helping fleeing ex-
                  trying to connect them with the allies in the south, in  prisoners, Marcello Fantoni was head of a partisan
                  the Maremma region.A memory indelibly impressed in    squad, all of whom he recruited himself. In the face of
                  Fantoni mind is when, at his home in Paterno, near    the imminent passing of the front through Florence,
                  Vaglia ( not far from a small concentration camp) they  Fantoni was able to gather together about fifty young
                  gave refuge to three South  African officers, W.B.    men, whom he personally knew ( and he knew well
                  Steward, lieutenant Jack Selikman and Capitan Mc      what political ideas they held)  asking them if they
                  Cardle, and a Scottish parachutist named George. He   would be willing to participate, as Liberals, in the fight
                  remembers it particularly because one of them, as soon  for Liberation. There was a firm desire not to be
                  as they entered at the house with their rescuers,     excluded from the fighting, and so, for this reason,
                  immediately asked if they was a bathroom so he could  Fantoni’s group accepted to be in charge of the part of
                  have a shave. He said in fact that he could not present  the city that stretches from San Marco’s Square up to
                  himself at dinner in the presence of a lady (in fact  the entrance of the city on the north side. It was a very
                  Fantoni’s mother was there)  in the condition in which,  important strategic point along one of the principle
                  and one can well imagine, he found himself. This      entrance ways into the city that the young Liberals
                  elegance and refinement, in such a desperate          would have to patrol with the aim of blocking the
                  circumstance, remains for its uniqueness particularly  German tanks’ route. They had little in the way of
                  dear to Fantoni. The photo taken before they left, on  ammunitions and Fantoni was the only one of them
                  the balcony of their house together with Beatrice     who had a more powerful weapon: a machine gun, a
                  Fantoni, helps him to recall those haggard and tired  German twenty round “mechanical pistol”. The others
                  faces that yet revealed the hopes of reaching the allied  had only rifles that could shoot a maximum of four
                  army and then, finally, returning home.               rounds. In addition to this, they were all without
                      Other officers, but also enlisted men and young   experience. Fantoni, being a hunter, did know how to
                  deserters found safe haven in their house in Paterno.  use a rifle but, not having done his military service, he
                  Some of these, in dire condition, received medical care.  really know nothing about weapons or ammunitions.
                  Once they were able to travel, Fantoni dressed them in  Nevertheless, he and his companions stayed at their
                  what every clothes he could find and took them to the  posts and unfortunately suffered one loss:the young son
                  SITA bus that went to the Maremma. He advised them    of the kiln operator, a man who , after the war, would
                  not to utter a word to anyone, to not reveal that they  work in Fantoni’s factory. The greatest danger was
                  were foreigners, for the ever present fear that there  being attacked from behind by Fascist sharpshooters
                  might be spies who could compromise their lives and   stationed on the surrounding roofs who were
                  the clandestine activity.                             protecting the advance of the German rearguard.
                      The fear of police roundups was ever present          It was the summer of 1944, and the rounding up
                  during the war years for Fantoni. He remembers one    and the persecution of the Jews by the Nazi-fascists was
                  day when, by a miracle, he was able to flee a roundup  rallying toward its tragic end. Eugenio Artom’s family
                  near the train station because he heard several people  ( sought by the police because of his political and
                  shouting that the Germans were deporting some young   military activities,as he was a member of the Liberation
                  men: he was in the last underpass and so began to run  Committee, and because of their Jewish origins) found
                  as fast as he possibly could and was thus able to avoid  themselves, in those months, in an extremely difficult
                  the danger. But, knowing and being afraid that he     situation. They found safe haven in the Fantoni family’s
                  would not always be so lucky pushed him to make the   apartment in Piazza della Vittoria. Eugenio Artom, with

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