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fortunately, cover for the sum of 90,000 lire( quite a  Fantoni and  United States’ art markets and collectors.
                  fortune in those days) the debt that he had already   This relationship was further consolidated after the war
                  contracted.                                           due also to the numerous trips Fantoni took to America
                      So, in 1936, the first factory, where “Fantoni”   where he received, as we will see in more detail later
                  ceramics were produced, was established. The atelier  on, important recognition -  that today is still alive and
                  was set up in the rooms of the former theater of the  fruitful.
                  Immaculate Church on Via Luigi Lanzi, at the old          In addition to theses activities, Fantoni also
                  stables of the Villa Fabbricotti. It was still a small studio  participated in Italy’s most important commercial
                  adjacent to the larger space of the stables (which, over  exhibitions, competitions and art shows. With a true
                  the course of a few years, Fantoni was able to rent,  and veritable entrepreneurial spirit, he was engaged at
                  expanding considerably his initial space), nevertheless,  the same time with his production and sales, and so
                  the space was adequately equipped – a potter’s wheel  even by the years immediately preceding the war, he
                  and an electric kiln for the creation of small and large  had already obtained surprising results.
                  ceramic sculptures. Furthermore, in the months            In the short period that Fantoni worked in
                  immediately following the establishment of the Villa  Perugia, he was already thinking about how he could
                  Fabbricotti atelier, Fantoni realized the importance of  organize his own studio – which after the war he
                  opening an exhibition space in addition to his        transformed into a veritable factory - so that everything
                  production activity that would further introduce him  would serve his ambitious plans. The first decision that
                  to the Florentine artistic community, and to an ever  he came to terms with was that of his employees: they
                  larger number of people,in order to improve the selling  were all young  - his contemporaries -  new to the
                  base for his objects. For this reason he chose to open a  work of modeling ceramics.Young devotees of art who
                  “ceramic boutique” in a store front adjacent to the   learned the trade together with Fantoni without bring
                  Loggia Rucellai on Via della Vigna Nuova. Located in  with them the  “bad habits” learned during
                  one of the most elegant streets, already at that time a  apprenticeships in other studios. Because, from the very
                  center point in the city’s commercial  traffic, the shop  beginning, he had in mind that everything must follow
                  was an important vehicle through which Fantoni began  his design, and, in his atelier, no other artistic
                  not only to make himself know to a diverse public, and  personality should arise to interfere with it. Only
                  not only locally, but also to arrive at a commercial  Fantoni designed the models and directed the
                  success which in a short time allowed him to repay the  employees in their realization without exception. He
                  money lent to him to open his atelier and subsequently,  was well aware of how much energetic and inflexible
                  to arrive at a relatively prosperous economic position,  guidelines were an indispensable element for success,
                  an indispensable premise to the creation of a serene  for maintaining high standards of quality, without
                  working environment. Fantoni entrusted the interior   giving into wavering or unorthodox stylistic
                  design of his shop to his friend the young Florentine  contaminations.
                  architect Pierluigi Spadolini who, without using          At the dawn of the 1940’s,   Fantoni’s artistic
                  invasive measures, that might ruin one of Florence’s  experience is to be profoundly marked by the war. His
                  most beautiful palazzos, only had the walls of the room  activities, already well underway, are to suffer profound
                  refaced ( hanging up a few wooded supports on which   and forced changes. Having decided not to completely
                  he could attach shelves to exhibit the ceramics) and the  stop working, he was obligated to submit to the state
                  beautiful, original, XV century terracotta and marble  mandate of producing only  “useful object”, under
                  floor carefully cleaned and polished. The space, not  penalty of a forced closure of the workshop. So, thanks
                  very large but of evident good taste, was illuminated by  to the production of marmalade jars and chamber pots,
                  a few amusing and unusual chandeliers designed by     Fantoni continued his own work, remained open,
                  Spadolini himself.                                    functioned as an atelier, and, as we may remember,
                      He began, in those years toward the end of the    modeled some sculptures which we recognize today as
                  1930’s, the profitable relationship with commission   masterpieces. Made in 1942 and today conserved in the
                  agents coming from the United States: Florence was a  Brooklyn Museum of Art, the splendid Deposition, that
                  center of great interest for “buyers”, a central station for  portrays, through the Mother’s desperate embrace of
                  replenishing department stores where high quality     the Son lifeless body, the tormented anxiety of those
                  products could be bought at advantageous prices. The  years, culminating, by means of this formal and
                  constant desire to discover something new in the      dramatic synthesis, in an entity, a choral manifestation,
                  artistic field and the subsequent introduction of new  in the face of the barbaric atrocities and the terror of
                  products into their national market places, brought   premature death, which, through an analogically
                  Fantoni’s ceramics to the center of attention of      interpreted image proclaims a state of being that was
                  important American businessmen.This contributed to    intimately felt and profoundly participated in.
                  the installation of that privileged relationship between  Nevertheless, Fantoni did not lose, even in those

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