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of the Cantagalli would never accept it. And so it was;  nations, in particular with France and Austria. What
                  facing the complete refusal of his request, Fantoni did  followed was a re-reading in a current note of formal
                  not back down, thus giving up an opportunity that, at  and chromatic solutions which could be adopted also
                  the moment, in his condition, no one would have       by the ceramic arts.
                  refused. This caused him quite a few problems, not the    The idea of bringing his own production to life at
                  least of which in the bosom of his family.His father was  all costs responded, therefore, to Fantoni’s need not to
                  so vexed that only after a few years, when the first  subject his very creativity to the out-of-date stylistic
                  important success came, did it pass. He then said that  and compositional cannons that he would have had to
                  his young man, although a bit  brazen, was right to   respect, at least in part, if he had accepted the position
                  pursue precisely the idea of creating of his own      at the Cantagalli ( that furthermore, also because of this
                  trademark.                                            closure toward modernity, was beginning it’s slow but
                      From this stand point, while still a student at Porta  inevitable decline). It was the 1930’s: the years in which
                  Romana, Fantoni had outfitted the basement of the     Giò Ponti, from the pages of  Domus, urged both artists
                  house in Via Puccinotti, where he had moved to with   and manufactures alike toward the contemporary
                  his family from Via Palazzuolo,with a modest workshop  innovations in ceramic art and to shun the so tired and
                  where he modeled small sculptures and vases. But, not  tedious late 1800’s reproductions in all their forms and
                  having a kiln, he took his creations to be fired in the  variations. But these forms, nevertheless, continued to
                  Zaccagnini Factory kilns in Piazza Pier Vettori. The  have a certain economic success, which, in fact, was
                  production was therefore limited to objects that were of  hindering the creation of new and bold forms of
                  small enough dimension to be transported by bicycle,  beauty, much more in harmony with the aesthetic
                  risking breakage and abrasions. Once finished, Fantoni  sentiments   that were being expressed in the “fine”arts.
                  presented them for sale to friends and acquaintances.  In reality, the concept of modernity,“modernolariato”
                  He even went from door to door in attempts to sell    to use a neologism coined by Boccioni, is by this time
                  them. In his indeed precarious situation, we can well  prevalent in the artistic circles of the avant-garde, and
                  understand that Fantoni’s father did not support his  determined Marcello Fantoni’s stylistic choices from his
                  choice to refuse the offer made by Cantagalli. But, that  very first works.
                  which was unthinkable for his family, was all too clear   The need, therefore, for modernity and the
                  in Marcello’s intentions. Still today, he isn’t able to  consequent necessity to place young designers at the
                  exactly describe that period of his life. He recognizes  head of production, was felt by the lawyer Baduel,
                  the fact the his mind was still in evolution,and he made  owner of a factory in Perugia, who called Fantoni to
                  choices quite based on instinct. But, he remembers    join his company in 1935. This was an extremely
                  perfectly that something was pushing him on ahead     important experience for Fantoni which tested for the
                  along his solitary course, and his iron will sustained him  first time his ability to relate to workers who were
                  even when everything seemed to go wrong.              required to follow his direction. It was a successful test
                      In reality, everything was born out of Fantoni’s  which would, in the following years, be repeated when
                  will, present in him from the very beginning of his   he was to become the owner of his own factory with
                  artistic experience, to create a type of ceramics that did  fifty employees. The experience in Perugia did not,
                  not adhere to criteria in contrast with modernism, but  however, last longer than a few months because the
                  that would be capable, on the contrary, of opening a  factory was forced to close following economic
                  passage through the wall of stagnant language to which  sanctions placed on Italy during the war with Ethiopia.
                  so much of the industry between Sesto Fiorentino and       Returning from Perugia, Fantoni worked for a
                  Florence stubbornly remained attached.  Some of       few months at the Milan Triennial. Then, reestablishing
                  whom still produced copies of Della Robbia,           himself in Florence definitively, he continued to work
                  Renaissance, and Hispanic-Moorish forms. This was a   in his workshop in the basement of the house on Via
                  Florence recalcitrant  to gamble on experimentation,  Puccinotti until a friend of his father’s, noting the
                  lead by men who completely distrusted that modernity  quality of the objects produce and his professional
                  which animated, by contract, such cities as Milan,Turin  attitude, came forward with an offer to lend him the
                  and Rome.                                             money necessary to open a more professional studio.
                      The nostalgic restrictions of past glories together  Taken by an understandable enthusiasm, Fantoni
                  with a dominating xenophobia was all the more         immediately went in search of a appropriate location
                  sustained by the ruling Fascist regime. And only during  and bought a kiln for firing ceramics for 1,000 lire in
                  the Biennial and Triennial, ( in which Fantoni often  Montelupo,when suddenly,his father’s friend withdrew
                  participated since the years immediately following    his offer to help. Finding himself in a situation that he
                  Porta Romana), the providential vehicle of liberation  couldn’t back out of,seeing that he had already pledged
                  from that sort of stylistic dictat, was it possible for artists  part of the capital promised to him, Fantoni resorted to
                  and collectors to have an open exchange with other    asking a family member for help who could,

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