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difficult years, his lucidity, nor did he allow the events,  party had a scanty membership in Florence (many of
                  as much as it was possible, to persuade him to abandon  the members were initially opposed to the idea of
                  himself in a torpid and disoriented state that creates a  participating in the fight and had opposing political
                  sense that the future is hopeless. Thus, in the beginning  views) that was difficult to efficiently organize
                  of the 40’s, he bought a share in a business, owned by a  militarily.To this must be added that, as opposed to the
                  friend that he met in the Porta Romana School, that   Communist and Socialist Parties, the establishment of a
                  produced bricks and roof tiles in Impruneta. The fact  popular front in the area was practically non existent,
                  that his own studio was dangerously close to the train  and therefore it was extremely difficult to find men
                  tracks, a foreseeable target for enemy bombing, pushed  disposed to fully dedicating themselves to taking up
                  him to make this decision. Aware of the possibility that  arms. Even so, the necessity to contribute to the
                  he could, at any moment, lose everything, he felt that it  Resistance with ones own means and abilities – also in
                  was necessary to invest in an activity that, once the  view of a future participation in the political life of the
                  conflict ended, could perhaps allow him to start over.  city, once the Nazi-fascist occupation was over - made
                  Also for this reason, he rented one of the basement   it so that different squads were organized, commanded
                  room of Palazzo Ferroni, in the center of Florence,   by Giacomo Corda and the Lieutenant Enzo Valori.
                  which was the rented at the time to the Italian Fencing   Renato Fantoni worked primarily at the collection
                  Society, in which he stored a large part of his ceramics  of weapons,the establishing of contacts with the leaders
                  created in the preceding years in order to safeguard  of the other parties and the allied command, and also
                  them from destruction.                                counter-espionage. Thus, he was a particularly active
                      It was a wise choice because only for a lucky     element and his children, who shared his ideals,
                  coincidence was his workshop at  Villa Fabbricotti    embraced the cause fully and followed his example as
                  spared from destruction. The first bombs launched fell  much as they could. Gianni and Marcello helped him
                  precisely in that area, and several palazzos very near the  to find what was necessary to sustain the fighters:
                  workshop and also near to the house where Fantoni     ammunitions, medical supplies, food, signaling lights,
                  was living with his family, were completely destroyed.  newspapers and money. They had to do most of this
                  This is an aspect of Fantoni’s thinking that we must  work because the most well know members of the
                  underscore because it give us a chance to observe that,  party, in particular Artom and Medici Tornaquinci,
                  parallel to his dedication to the fight for Liberation in  were much less able to move about freely because the
                  which as we will see he was an active participant, he  police were constantly looking for them. We can not
                  never lost sight of his true vocation, that of being an  leave out that Renato was involved in the editing –
                  artist. In the years of the war, where everything hung  together with Artom,Aristo Ciruzzi and Sergio Lepri –
                  by a thin thread,from the places where people lived and  of the “L’Opinion”the Liberal Party’s newspaper which
                  worked and to their very lives, Fantoni fought in order  was an important vehicle in the dissemination of the
                  to be able to return to dedicate himself to his work,  liberal program and condition of the T.C.N.L. (Tuscan
                  well aware of the fact that only in this way could he  Committee for National Liberation) particularly after
                  truly fulfill himself.                                the newspaper  “L’Nazione” was shut down.
                      It is in this light that we must read his commitment  Furthermore, the newspaper was posted on the street
                  to the  Tuscan Committee for Liberation: without      corner walls which gave the general public access to
                  political motivations, desire for personal gains, and  practical information like where to find water and
                  perhaps even without great passion. Fantoni often     other primary necessities.
                  asserts that he participated only because it was          That which concerns precisely Marcello’s personal
                  necessary, because he found himself in the cogs of that  commitment, it must be said, is that his workshop on
                  machine.   But, once he embraced the cause, his       Via Lanzi and his warehouse in Villa Ferroni were used
                  contribution was complete and valuable, as was that of  as hiding places for the ammunitions for the Resistance
                  his father Renato, his brother Gianni and, not to     and occasionally as headquarters for the Florentine
                  mention, his sister Grazia who often worked as a      Liberation Committee. The weapons were hidden on
                  currier between group of partisans.                   the upper shelves of the underground warehouse,
                      It was actually Renato, for many years an         hidden from view by ceramic vases that Fantoni was
                  important exponent of the Florentine Liberal Party,   producing at that time. Marcello himself saw to the
                  who involved his children in the partisan fight.Already,  distribution of the arms to the fighters, transporting
                  from the first months of 1943, certain Liberals -among  them from one end of the city to the other. He
                  whom were the Marchese  Aldobrando Medici             remembers exactly, one day in the summer of 1944,
                  Tornaquinci, Guglielmo di San Giorgio, Eugenio        while disguised as coal merchant, that with a small cart
                  Artom and Renato Fantoni himself, began to face the   he was transporting, in sacs, ammunitions and rifles
                  problem of the party members’ participation in the    hidden by his ceramics.When he arrived at the Santa
                  fight for Liberation. It wasn’t an easy job, because the  Trinità bridge one of the sacs broke open and the

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